Cathy Ritchie


Cathy Ritchie created the column "Pages From the Arts" for, and helmed it until 2020, combining her love of reading and writing with her passion for live performance, which began at age 5 when she saw her first professional stage production, The Music Man, starring Bert Parks. She never looked back.

A proud Illinois native, Cathy earned several degrees in English and library science while attending college in Minnesota. After working for the Decatur (IL) Public Library, she joined the Dallas (TX) Central Library's Fine Arts Department in 2000 as its Theater Librarian, where she put her decades of audience attendance to good use while enjoying the DFW performing arts bounty.

Along with her columns and feature articles for Theater Jones, she has reviewed books for the Theatre Library Association and contributed chapters to several works on library collection development. Upon retiring in 2019, she returned to her Midwestern roots, and currently lives in Urbana, Illinois.